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Car rental for traveling in Kyrgyzstan

Hire, lease of cars in Almaty and Nur-Sultan (Astana) for trips abroad.

You can travel on a tourist trip or a business trip abroad in different ways: by train, bus, by plane, you can take your car or rent a car. When renting a car in our company, you can travel all over Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. We can say with confidence that we are the only car rental company providing this service.

The benefits of traveling abroad by car

A trip by car to Kyrgyzstan has a number of advantages compared to a trip there by taxi or bus:

You yourself determine the route of your movement and the trip time in a way that is convenient for you. And do not depend on the schedules of airports and stations.

You do not need to carry your heavy luggage to the place of boarding.

Car rental in Kyrgyzstan gives you the opportunity to travel with your family and friends.

Not the last significant advantage of traveling by car is comfort and convenience on the road, unlike the uncomfortable seats on buses and airplanes.

The conditions for renting a car for traveling to Kyrgyzstan are exactly the same as for renting a car in Almaty or Nur-Sultan (Astana). Only a plus to the price list you pay a rent one-time one-time 30,000 tenge (thirty thousand tenge) Permission to enter and move around Kyrgyzstan.